Green Velvet Matcha Mini Basque Cheesecake

In the enchanting realm where culinary finesse meets the vibrant hues of matcha, we embark on a delectable journey that promises to elevate your dessert experience. This is a recipe that harmonizes the velvety richness of Basque cheesecake with the mesmerizing allure of matcha – presenting the Green Velvet Matcha Mini Basque Cheesecake. Prepare to immerse your taste buds in a symphony of flavors, where the earthiness of Encha ceremonial matcha marries the indulgent creaminess of Basque cheesecake, all encapsulated in charming bite-sized portions.

What is a basque cheesecake?

A Basque cheesecake, also known as "Burnt Basque Cheesecake" or "La Viña Cheesecake," is a unique and rustic-style cheesecake that originated in the Basque Country of Spain. A Basque cheesecake differs from the traditional New York-style cheesecakes with a smooth and creamy texture, as it is mostly characterized by its intentionally cracked, burnt exterior and a creamy, almost custard-like interior.There are a few key features which make a Basque cheesecake unique:

  • Burned exterior
  • Cracked appearance
  • Custard-like interior
  • minimal ingredients

Join us in this culinary adventure, as we unravel the secrets to creating these mini masterpieces that are not only a treat for the palate but also a feast for the eyes. Let the journey into the world of Green Velvet Matcha Mini Basque Cheesecakes commence!